CIF Presents TWF – 2023 in Review & 7 Tech Trends for 2024

In this episode of our weekly show, TWF! – Tech Wave Forum, host and CIF CEO David Terrar will explain why 2023 has been a pivotal year and the start of a new tech wave. He reviews this year’s season of shows, and then gives us his 7 tech trends to watch for 2024. Join us for next Wednesday’s Live show, but then TWF! is taking a holiday break.

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David is a known as a thought leader in digital transformation, social collaboration, ERP, and cloud computing. I'm a software guy who started on mainframes and minicomputers, but has embraced the shift to cloud, social, and mobile in a world gone digital. I combine more than 30 years of business experience with over 18 years of social media and digital marketing expertise. I'm passionate about helping people understand the shift to digital, organisational culture, new business models, and how businesses can do more with less.