Tag: Opinion

Looking after accountants in the cloud

Dan Blackett of Hosted Accountants considers the importance IT for accountancy firms and how the cloud could be beneficial.

Thanking smartphones for the cloud

The smartphone has done more to help cloud adoption than any other device, as such is due our thanks.

DaaS for law firms

The team at VESK take a look at DaaS and suggest how it could benefit law firms.

Flying high with DaaS

As the workforce becomes mobile DaaS is regaining interest as businesses look to have better control over their documents, apps and programs virtually.

How durable is your cloud storage?

What does that long string of 9s means when a cloud storage providers talks about how safe your data is?

Reducing big word terminology

With many cloud providers communicating with acronyms and in big enterprise terms is it any wonder that cloud adoption is not higher?

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