Tag: Opinion

Regulated Data Security and Encryption

With the changes in regulation for industries such as Accountancy, Legal, Financial and Healthcare, security and data protection systems is a priority.

Finding the right Cloud solutions provider

There is a bewildering array of cloud service providers. Jeff Dodd of entrustIT explains 3 key considerations to selecting the right one.

Hybrid Cloud to be Key to Cloud Sector Growth

Chris Morris looks at the benefits of taking a hybrid approach to Cloud Computing. According to a recent report by the China Securities Journal, the China Telecom company will aim to develop a hybrid cloud business during this year and next.

How do Techgate see the Cloud market maturing during 2014?

Compare the Cloud interviews Martin Wright of Techgate Plc to see how 2014 looks from the perspective of a Cloud Infrastructure provider.

Is BYOD an Opportunity or Threat?

Esther Rutter looks at the challenges afoot for BYOD policies and asks whether Cloud Service Providers are best placed to provide solutions. Sometimes, it seems like every man and his dog is talking about the relentless march towards mobile and BYOD...

The expanding DaaS market, the big players and healthy competition

James Mackie of VESK examines how the various DaaS and VDI offerings from the big players meet the needs of regular businesses. Firstly let me make an apology for referring to HVD, VDI, HVDI, DaaS, HD, VD etc under the umbrella term of "DaaS" (Desktop-as-a-Service).

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