Tag: Mobile

From Cloud to Big Data

Our obsession with defining services under the banner of cloud computing will diminish next year as the opportunities Big Data provides are realised.

Thanking smartphones for the cloud

The smartphone has done more to help cloud adoption than any other device, as such is due our thanks.

Flying high with DaaS

As the workforce becomes mobile DaaS is regaining interest as businesses look to have better control over their documents, apps and programs virtually.

Toshiba announces cloud client manager

Toshiba has announced the availability and expansion of the Toshiba Cloud Client Manager (TCCM) - enabling organisations to manage and control their mobile workforce.

Communication Next

With smartphones and mobile computing the next wave has surely begun as cloud services and better technology is changing the way we communicate.

Apple Pay takes on shopping

Apple launches new iPhones and the Apple Watch but it is the payments system, Apple Pay, that should interest the cloud marketplace.

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