Tag: Hybrid

Advertising giant WPP goes hybrid with IBM

WPP, is the world’s largest communications services group, has chosen IBM to provide hybrid cloud services.

The cloud’s second wave

Cloud computing continues to evolve and the recent exit of Rackspace from the IaaS market can be viewed as major change in the evolution of the cloud.

Navigating the hybrid cloud world

Most CIOs have their heads in the cloud. But if they're leading enterprises, they also have their feet in a well-designed, carefully-secured data centre.

IBM unveils dynamic cloud security

IBM has announced it has built the industry's first intelligent security portfolio for protecting people, data and applications in the cloud.

EMC bets on hybrid

While the other big providers including Amazon and Google tend to focus on public cloud solutions EMC is betting on hybrid.

Cloud security in 2015

Security fears are the main reason driving users to uptake hybrid cloud options - Rhian takes a view on her second day at the IP Expo Europe.

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