Tag: Hybrid

Hybrid cloud: The future of infrastructure

While a full public cloud infrastructure has worked well for some pure-play digital companies such as Netflix, most enterprises are now seeing that despite...

Three ways Businesses have changed their approach to data since 2015

Recent research from Gartner revealed that more than three quarters of companies are investing or planning to invest in big data by 2017. As...

7 Common Cloud Misconceptions

Even though cloud has been with us for some time already, many executives are still hesitant to implement cloud infrastructures. CTC debunks the myths.

Cirrus, Nimbus, or Hybrid? Is the cloud right for you?

Armed with the correct facts about your current IT infrastructure, you can make the choice whether a move to cloud infrastructure suits your organisation.

Hybridity; The Future Mainstay

With the emergence of cloud technology being the mainstay of collaborative and efficient working, the term hybrid cloud has been bandied around with much speculation in recent months.

A Hybrid Cloud Quickie

Neil Cattermull explains hybrid cloud business enablement in brief, easy to understand language.

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