Tag: computing

Serverless Computing – what to consider when investing

It wasn’t until relatively recently that physical servers were the backbone of every data centre. While on-premise servers have by no means disappeared, more...

Are you harnessing the power of your business data effectively?

Cognitive computing is leading society on a pathway that is genuinely set to revolutionise how we live, work and behave. Previously, new ways of...

How Cloud Collaboration Software can Enhance Company Security

In recent times, collaborative working tools have become more and more popular, as workforces look for new ways to revolutionise how staff carry out...

Five Trends to Define Cloud Computing in 2019

Last year was yet another year of phenomenal growth for the cloud. With the average investment up 36 percent from 2016 across all industries,...

Enhance your Mobile Ecosystem with Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has deeply revolutionized the way entrepreneurs and developers are viewing successful mobile app development. With the help of cloud app development, it...

Big Computing Power is the Only Way Forward

The reputation of blockchain has taken a beating recently. Following months of hype during which it was proposed as the solution for everything from...

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Ensuring Seamless Data Shopping in 2025 

This combination can drive a business’s data culture and provide a structured approach for businesses to benefit from data intelligence across their operations, with only a few clicks.

We’re in a Decentralised AI Revolution

Open-source AI promises to address a lot of the...

Does every Cloud have a silver lining?

Cloud computing has infiltrated practically every aspect of our...

Enterprise Hosting, VPS or VMware Which is Best?

Cloud computing continues its relentless march forward, solidifying its...

Security Seeing Through the Cloud

When organisations consider moving to the cloud, a common...