Tag: Cloud

The Facebook Internet

Facebook has over 1.71 billion monthly active users* - more than the population of the worlds largest country and it is continuing to grow...

It’s not all doom – now is the time for cloud

Currently, the public sector IT community faces an environment where the only certainty is uncertainty. This predicament is down to the Brexit vote. It...

Are your employees putting your cloud data at risk?

Ransomware has spent quite a bit of time in the spotlight as a major culprit of data breaches. There is however, another threat that...

More cloud to hit the UK

The usage of Cloud technology is spreading around the world and extending its reach beyond traditional IT teams and into the realms of sales, accounts...

Reducing Threats and Management Headaches across Private Clouds

While public cloud implementations are steadily increasing, private clouds in customer’s own data centres continue to be deployed because of the perceived higher levels...

Is your Wi-Fi ready for the Internet of Things?

The internet of things (IoT) has been dubbed ‘Industrie 4.0’ in Germany for its potential to spark a new industrial revolution. Eighty percent of companies...


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