Alfresco Once Again Positioned as a Challenger in Gartner 2017 Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms Report

Position as a Challenger Is Based on the Company’s Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute

Oct.10, 2017 — Alfresco Software, a leading open source provider of enterprise content management and process automation, has announced that Gartner, Inc. has named Alfresco as a Challenger in its October 2017 Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms, based on its ability to execute and completeness of vision. 2017 marks the second year in a row that Gartner has placed Alfresco as a Challenger in the evolving Enterprise Content Management (ECM) market.

“We believe being recognised as a Challenger in Gartner’s 2017 Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms is validation of Alfresco’s ongoing innovation and execution in the rapidly evolving content services market,” said Thomas DeMeo, vice president of product management at Alfresco. “Alfresco’s Digital Business Platform is a great fit for organisations that are looking to differentiate themselves by delivering engaging customer experiences at scale. For organisations with digital transformation initiatives, our open source roots and transparent approach are appealing to developers, content professionals and architects alike.

“We have expanded our technology partnerships to advance differentiation and innovation, including being the first content services provider on Amazon to launch an Alfresco instance with an Amazon Web Services Quick Start. By providing an extensive set of open APIs, developer tools and cloud-ready deployments, we build a level of agility, customer engagement and loyalty that is fundamentally different than many of our competitors,” added DeMeo.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Alfresco’s inclusion to the Magic Quadrant was based on Gartner’s evaluation” hashtags=”Gartner, AWS, Gartner”]

“Gartner’s new definition for this market is as follows: A content services platform is a set of services and microservices, embodied either as an integrated product suite or as separate applications that share common APIs and repositories, to exploit diverse content types and to serve multiple constituencies and numerous use cases across an organisation.”  Alfresco’s cloud-ready and developer-friendly open source software powers the daily work of millions of people, addressing the unique needs of financial services, healthcare, insurance, government, manufacturing, and publishing companies, in countries around the world.

Alfresco’s inclusion to the Magic Quadrant was based on Gartner’s evaluation of Alfresco’s enterprise-wide capabilities and vertical use cases. The full Gartner report can be downloaded for free.

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