
The editorial team behind Compare the Cloud made up a unique group of IT specialists, digital marketers and cloud specialists. We understand the industry from both the IT manager’s perspective and the perspective of the IT service provider.

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Black Duck Hub Receives ‘Ready for IBM Security Intelligence’ Validation

Black Duck®, a global leader in automated solutions for securing and managing open source software, today announced that it has received IBM PartnerWorld’s Ready...

Speech by John Hayes at the 8th International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille

The following is a speech by John Hayes, Security Minister at the UK Home Office at the 8th International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille #FIC2016.  Monsieur...

Webcast: Can ‘cloud’ be used by financial services?

Date: Feb 02 2016 Time: 2 p.m. GMT (8 a.m. CST) There's no escaping that, in the new digital age, creating an omnichannel customer experience that...

New Complete Cloud-Based Security Solution from iSheriff                

iSheriff has announced the release of iSheriff Complete, a comprehensive cyber security platform designed to provide 360-degree protection of an organisation’s devices and communication channels. iSheriff...

PTC’s Augmented Reality ‘ThingEvent’ 28th January

Date:  January 28, 2016 Time:  9:00 AM EST and 3:00 PM EST Registration: Later this week, on January 28, PTC will host its exclusive ThingEvent, focused on...

PwC launches new global technology team to exploit Bitcoin technology

PwC has recruited 15 leading technology specialists to exploit and commercialise blockchain, the technology that powers the crypto-currency, Bitcoin. The new Blockchain team will be...

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