Keith Tilley

Keith Tilley is Executive Vice President for global sales and customer services, at Sungard Availability Services® responsible for ensuring we meet our customers’ business objectives and achieve our goals by geography and account. Keith is also responsible for sales, marketing, consulting and customer services. His 35-plus years of business expertise keep Sungard Availability Services operating at the top its field around the world.

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London may be a tech powerhouse, but it’s not best for business!

Location, location, location; geography has always been an important...

Is Your IT Estate More Jekyll or Hyde?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions....

Curing the Cloud Hangover

Cloud Computing promised so much. It was presented as...

London may be a tech powerhouse, but it’s not best for business!

Location, location, location; geography has always been an important factor for businesses, indeed choosing the right spot can be the difference between success and...

Is Your IT Estate More Jekyll or Hyde?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Nowhere is this sentiment better illustrated than in Robert Louis Stevenson’s enduring tale of Jekyll...

Curing the Cloud Hangover

Cloud Computing promised so much. It was presented as an IT cure-all; the solution to no end of traditional tech challenges. Now the hype...

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