Atchison Frazer

Atchison is a versatile, insights-driven tech-sector marketing pro with a strong track record driving global sales enablement and profit discovery through inspiring cross-platform campaigns and strategies.

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Network anomalies: Gaining cloud control

Controlling your IT estate is vitally important for any...

Managing and maximising your virtualised resources

Virtualisation has provided many benefits for businesses. Previously, organisations...

Do the metrics of a data centre impact upon its agility?

You need to understand how your data centre is...

Do the metrics of a data centre impact upon its agility?

IT operations managers need to understand how their data centre is performing in order to make better decisions about how and where to invest...

5 Value Imperatives for How to Measure Virtual TCO in 2016

How we measure the financial implications of investments into virtual infrastructure will dramatically change during 2016. Where previously, you would only really measure the...

How In-Memory Architecture Benefits Cloud-Scale Performance

Cloud services, including SaaS applications, are designed to be flexible, on-demand, self-service, scalable and elastic, which make them ideal for enterprises seeking to transform...

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Four Surprising Lessons I’ve Learned Leading Tech Teams

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