Edwin Wong

Edwin Wong, Chief Technology Evangelist, Frontier Technology 

A client-focused, B2B technology savvy leader, Edwin has been helping organisations drive their IT resources towards achieving their goals for over 15 years. With an exceptional technical background, he has a proven record of success in managing IT services, creating practical managed services and cloud based solutions. 

Edwin has engineered the rapid growth of Frontier Technology: from its founding in London in 2005 to becoming one of Europe’s respected providers of on-premise and private cloud computing technologies today.

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The Differences between EU and US Data Laws

European data laws have been in place since 1995....

Seven different types of disruptive technologies

Disruptive technologies have become a big topic in the IT industry recently with many large businesses providing products that displace another. In short, a...

The Differences between EU and US Data Laws

European data laws have been in place since 1995. They were brought in as a reaction to the growing amount of internet based businesses...

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