Abner Hofstadler

Production Crew at Compare the Cloud

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Kids predict the tech of the future, declaring that “technology is everything!”

New research commissioned by Dell Boomi - and carried out by...

NetApp’s Matt Watts on Threats to Data

Matt Watts introduces Threats to Data hosted by NetApp. Compare...

Node4’s Steve Denby on Application Workloads

Steve Denby introduces Application Workloads from Node4 hosted by...

Daisy’s Nathan Marke on Software and Data as Currency

Nathan Marke introduces software and data as currency hosted...

SGNL – Gadget of the Week

After a while floating through the seemingly endless pages of tech startup projects vying for your funding on Kickstarter it becomes clear there will forever...

The Dangerous (Augmented) Reality of Pokemon Go

Augmented Reality has seemingly endless possibilities, however, attempts made to merge the real world with that of computer-generated content have so far fallen flat....

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