Abner Hofstadler

Production Crew at Compare the Cloud

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Kids predict the tech of the future, declaring that “technology is everything!”

New research commissioned by Dell Boomi - and carried out by...

NetApp’s Matt Watts on Threats to Data

Matt Watts introduces Threats to Data hosted by NetApp. Compare...

Node4’s Steve Denby on Application Workloads

Steve Denby introduces Application Workloads from Node4 hosted by...

Daisy’s Nathan Marke on Software and Data as Currency

Nathan Marke introduces software and data as currency hosted...

24/7 Network Operations – #CloudTalks with OryxAlign’s Carl Henriksen at Dell

In this episode of #CloudTalks at Dell, Compare the Cloud speaks with Carl Henriksen from OryxAlign about their 24/7 Network Operations and providing the...

Evolving into a cloud services provider – #CloudTalks with Fordway’s Richard Blanford at Dell

In this episode of #CloudTalks at Dell, Compare the Cloud speaks with Richard Blanford from Fordway about how they are evolving into a cloud...

The beauty of Spring is not in one single flower – Huawei eco-Connect Europe 2016

Compare the Cloud attended Huawei eco-Connect Europe event at the back-end of October, and the clue was in the event name as Huawei look...

Sony’s Michael Harrit talks IP Live

In a special interview with the MD for marketing solutions at Sony, Michael Harrit, talks to Disruptive Tech TV and Compare the Cloud about...

Arrow Cloud Global VP Steve Robinson on the importance of Cloud Distribution

In an exclusive interview with Compare the Cloud, Global VP for Arrow Cloud, Steve Robinson, talks to us about the importance of cloud distribution,...

Snapchat “Spectacles” – Gadget of the Week

How would you feel talking to someone while knowing they have the capability to record and share whatever you're doing because they are wearing...

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