Abner Hofstadler

Production Crew at Compare the Cloud

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Kids predict the tech of the future, declaring that “technology is everything!”

New research commissioned by Dell Boomi - and carried out by...

NetApp’s Matt Watts on Threats to Data

Matt Watts introduces Threats to Data hosted by NetApp. Compare...

Node4’s Steve Denby on Application Workloads

Steve Denby introduces Application Workloads from Node4 hosted by...

Daisy’s Nathan Marke on Software and Data as Currency

Nathan Marke introduces software and data as currency hosted...

Kids predict the tech of the future, declaring that “technology is everything!”

New research commissioned by Dell Boomi - and carried out by OnePoll - surveyed 1,000 12-15 years olds based in the UK to ask them what...

NetApp’s Matt Watts on Threats to Data

Matt Watts introduces Threats to Data hosted by NetApp. Compare the Cloud attended a private invite-only briefing provided by NetApp with some of their key...

Node4’s Steve Denby on Application Workloads

Steve Denby introduces Application Workloads from Node4 hosted by NetApp. Compare the Cloud attended a private invite-only briefing provided by NetApp with some of their...

Daisy’s Nathan Marke on Software and Data as Currency

Nathan Marke introduces software and data as currency hosted by NetApp. Compare the Cloud attended a private invite-only briefing provided by NetApp with some of...

NetApp’s Laurence James on Data Nuggets

Compare the Cloud attended a private invite-only briefing provided by NetApp with some of their key partners. The general theme was based around how...

Converged Services – #CloudTalks with Six Degrees Group’s Ken Moody at Dell

In this episode of #CloudTalks at Dell, Compare the Cloud speaks with Cloud Business Development Manager Ken Moody from Six Degrees Group about their...

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