Ricky Lee

Ricky Lee is CEO and founder of Find.Exchange - the Skyscanner of the money transfer world. During his 18+ year career, he has garnered a wealth of experience across multiple sectors as a product designer in cross-payments, gateways, FX and digital currencies. An innovative leader in his field, Ricky has achieved a number of professional milestones, from designing and architecting apps for major banks in the UK from concept to completion, to being an instrumental player within the founding team at Revolut. Ricky and the team have been touring the world these last few months, attending blockchain events and networking as they are looking to use blockchain technology to take the 3-year old startup to the next level and make international money transfers faster, cheaper and more secure.

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Get smart and avoid the money pit-falls

Looking at the technologies that will offer better security for businesses operating globally and to avoid money pit falls. 

Get smart and avoid the money pit-falls

Looking at the technologies that will offer better security for businesses operating globally and to avoid money pit falls. 

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