Jitendra Thethi

Jitendra Thethi is AVP of Technology, Innovation at Aricent. Prior to Aricent, Jitendra was a Principal Architect with the Microsoft Technology Center based in Bellevue at Infosys. He handled the presales activities on the Infosys-Microsoft joint IT transformational program Catalytic IT. Jitendra holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering and an MBA in finance from the Institute of Management Studies.

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Supply chains | is the Blockchain the answer?

In February 2018, a Gartner analyst described the “irrational...

Supply chains | is the Blockchain the answer?

In February 2018, a Gartner analyst described the “irrational exuberance” of blockchain - a term synonymous with a 1996 Alan Greenspan speech which warned...

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