Marco Abele, Founder and CEO of TEND, is a fintech entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in private and investment banking, as well as a prominent digital shaper and financial industry leader in Switzerland.
Having worked on digital innovations for several years, in 2017 Marco left Credit Suisse to found TEND, with the aim of transforming existing business models through the implementation of smart contract and blockchain technologies.
Marco’s professional track record includes two decades of working in some of the most successful global financial institutions. He has worked at Deutsche Bank as a Legal Advisor, Product Manager and Global ProgramLeader, as well as held roles at Credit Suisse as Strategy Project Manager, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Digital Officer.
Marco holds an MBA from Duke University as well as a degree in law from the University of Panthéon Assas. He is a qualified lawyer, having completed his legal studies at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich which ranks globally among the top 30 universities for law.