What Brands Should Know About Millennials in the UK

Millennials are possibly the most enigmatic generation right now. They are highly influenced by all of the latest trends and fashions, although it can sometimes be quite hard to figure out what exactly it is that they want. This can sometimes make them a difficult target for brand managers and marketers. To try to understand this generation more, the team here at Latana surveyed 370 millennials in the UK. Here are some of the interesting facts that we uncovered.

Millennials: The Results

Top 3 Motivations in Life

First of all, we decided to look at the big goals that all millennials have. What drives and motivates them in life? The top 3 results might not be too surprising here. As you might expect, 52% said that they want to spend time with close friends and family, while 50% also listed being happy and having fun as a large target in life. 33% of UK millennials also put taking care of themselves and their own health in their top 3 goals as well.

Spare Time

As part of the survey, the millennials were also asked about their spare time. Over half (55%) said that they like to spend it with their family; 52% enjoy relaxing in their free time; while 49% play games.


Millennials interests tend to lie in the areas that you might expect from a young generation. 51% are really into their music while just under half (49%) of those questioned said they enjoy movies. In third place, gaming was an interest of 48%.

Spare Time and Technology

A large percentage of millennials said they watch TV a few times a week. The exact figure was 64%. Something else that was slightly unsurprising was that 61% said they regularly use social media. When it comes to browsing online on a mobile device, 59% said that this is something else that they do a few times each week.

Millennials Online

Have you ever wondered what millennials are looking at when online? We asked them that in the survey as well. 58% watch YouTube for at least an hour a day, while 55% and 41% are spending at least an hour on Facebook and Instagram respectively.

How Millennials Discover New Brands

All of this internet usage also has a big effect on how millennials find out about new brands and companies. Even though 50% discover new brands through friends and families, and 45% still discover them through ads on TV, there is still a high percentage that is highly influenced by social media. In fact, around 39% of millennials discover new brands on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

What Should Brand Managers Take from this Report?

If a brand wants to keep up with its audience, then it needs to start listening to all its consumers, millennials included. By improving its consumer awareness and appealing to this younger generation of consumers, a brand can stay at the top of the market by being relevant and aware of exactly what its audience wants.

By really understanding these kinds of insights into certain consumer generations, a company. will have plenty of intel into their target market. And that will make it easier than ever before to ensure your brand appeals to them.

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Laura Harker is a writer and editor based in Gateshead, UK, working closely with Latana. She's written for a number of publications and organisations including National Geographic, EyeEm, Fodors, and many others.

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