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Getting Web Analytics Right: The Power Of Accurate Data

The insights gained from web analytics can help you understand your audience, improve your marketing strategies, and ultimately help you make your way to a significant increase in revenue. However, collecting accurate web analytics data can be quite challenging, especially if you’re dealing with a large volume of data. This is why in this post, we will explore the power of accurate web analytics and how to get them right.

Why Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are so valuable

Content creators working in a range of industries have...

How Ready-To-Deploy Widgets Make Building a Website Easier

Building a website from scratch was very difficult in...

Get your IP strategy right early; reap the rewards later

Some technology innovation businesses focus on intellectual property (IP)...

10 Ways to Promote Your Brand Online

Unless you have wads of cash for trial and...

Why WordPress and what it can do

Deciding on a Wordpress hosting service can be a daunting process for a person just starting out. Even for people with experience, finding the...

5 of the Best E-commerce Marketing Strategies to Explode Your Sales

With more brick-and-mortar stores becoming e-businesses, e-commerce marketing strategies have become a necessity if you want to remain on top of the game. Times...

Don’t lose your head – Consumer Devices

Today’s consumers use an increasing variety of devices, including tablets, smartphones, smartwatches and even voice-activated digital assistants to do their online shopping. In fact,...

The challenges and opportunities of Office 365

Without a doubt, Office 365 is unlike any SaaS application ever. Organisations have been embracing SaaS and cloud-based applications for a while now, but...

Legit Ways to Prepare Your Site for Peaks in Traffic

Peaks in website traffic is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they mean more traffic and more opportunities to convert visitors into paying...

Don’t Crash the Party: How to Ensure Your Site Stability

Competing in the modern business landscape takes a lot of hard work and some marketing savvy. Creating an online presence for your business is...