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What observability can teach us about corporate culture

Observability is big business. As an IT tool, it...

The Impact of AI on Social Media

As AI continues shaping the future, the desire for tools dealing with practical issues like bot followers reveals the human side of tech progress. It's a reminder that even in the AI realm, being relatable and prioritising user experience remains key

How Social Media Can Improve Customer Retention Ratio

Today, whether you are running a well-established business or...

Remaining compliant whilst embracing social media

Since the global financial crisis, ‘regulated businesses’ in the...

5 of the Best E-commerce Marketing Strategies to Explode Your Sales

With more brick-and-mortar stores becoming e-businesses, e-commerce marketing strategies...

How retailers can harness tech to battle the crisis on the high street

It is no secret retailers face a challenging environment on the high street. The national news is frequently awash with stories of store closures...

Must-Have Logos & Videos for Your Business

The trend of digital marketing is emerging at a very rapid pace. No matter what type of business you own, if you want to...

SEO | Tips to Increase Organic Traffic in 2018

SEO is an ongoing effort. There is no one-size-fits-all, and there is no one-and-done. Optimizing your website for search engines takes time, effort, and...

The technology helping businesses go green

With a scorching two-month heat wave following the icy cold Beast from the East, it’s been hard to avoid climate change in the UK....

Smart Cities Are Going To Be Ungodly Hot, Unless We Do Something

To kick off our week of articles looking at Smart Cities, Kayla Matthews takes a look at an inevitable side-effect of ever-increasing computing power...

Google Plans To Turn Toronto Into The Most High-Tech Smart City You’ve Ever Seen

From 4th - 8th December 2017 Compare the Cloud be running a number of articles on Smart Cities. As a special preview, Kayla Matthews...

How Happy Is London? Question and Answer

David Fearne, Technical Director at Arrow, talks about the company’s recent social and technological experiment: How Happy Is London?  So, first things first, what exactly...