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Transforming customer engagement with omnichannel solutions

In today's business landscape, the importance of delivering exceptional...

SD-WAN: the marketing myth

We have seen a huge surge in a new...

The Importance of UI and UX in Driving Better Collaboration

Collaboration technology is key to facilitating information management and...

To keep the botnets at bay: regulate or innovate?

As disruptive technologies such as 5G launch, the number...

Untangling home mesh Wi-Fi networks

It’s the ultimate twenty-first century gripe – the internet is lightning fast in the front room, but slows to a crawl in the bedroom. Suddenly that tablet you got specifically to watch Netflix in bed doesn’t seem like such a sound investment.

Top 3 Digital Solutions for the Legal Sector

How the legal industry can benefit from embracing the revolutionary digital technologies that will help improve performance, efficiency and accuracy. Improving business efficiency is a...

China’s Silk Road – Globalised Digital Trade and Intercontinental Business Interactions

China’s ‘Silk Road’ has hit the headlines recently regarding its impact on business relationships and industrial growth in the present climate of the commercial...

Forget Forms, Conversation is King

The marketing industry has experienced digital disruption like no other. The need to innovate, re-think, and reinvent is constant and has been amplified as...

How the cloud is creating new services, and changing the way businesses buy comms services

One of the many areas where cloud innovation is having a big impact right now is business telephony services, perhaps more correctly called comms...

Searching for the Right Help Desk Software

The right help desk software can make a huge difference in the success and bottom line of your firm or business. In fact, some...

The Move From Working For IT Services to With Them

Having recently made a move from working for IT services vendors for many years, to work in a corporate IT department, I have to...

Who owns Your App? 

Post Brexit, venture capitalists are still pouring money into tech start-ups, creating fantastic opportunities for innovative businesses.  Even with funding, however, turning innovative ideas...

The Top 5 Factors to Consider Before Purchasing CRM Software

Customer satisfaction is, no doubt, a key factor common in all thriving businesses. Therefore, how you deliver your product to the market is just...

What are the Brexit Costs (and Benefits) to Digital and Technology Companies?

Short term profits rise – longer term hit to profitability  It was been well documented that the Digital and Tech sector will be hard hit...

What to Look for in a Unified Communications Solution

The range of choice for businesses looking for a unified communications (UC) provider has never been greater. A few years ago, ‘unified communications’ was...