A UX proposal, also known as a design brief, is an outline of proposed changes to the User Experience design of a digital product. When looking at a UX proposal the UX designers needs to ensure that they outline the problem, explain why it is a problem, and present a thorough solution.

This can be somewhat challenging, as the designer needs to make it very clear what the problem is and how the solution addresses it. They may even be describing them to someone who is not directly involved in the process. All put together, many UX designers may feel put off creating a proposal. But it is actually essential to the designer and the stakeholder, putting them on the same page and keeping both parties informed about each other’s vision and concerns.

By presenting the stakeholder with a UX proposal the designer can show what better design means to the company, from higher quality products to safer websites, from a more streamlined workflow to better ratings. The proposal will help the designer sell a design improvement to their stakeholder, and avoid confusion and arguments over design decisions you are making along the way. It is their blueprint to better design.

Somewhat ironically, after all that hard work the UX proposal could be dismissed because of how it is presented. Stephen N. Lewis, a UX Designer at UKWritingsย explains: “A UX designer, of all people, understands best how important presentation is. When you hand in a UX proposal that is full of spelling mistakes, rambling, or sloppy, the other designers reviewing it may think that you just don’t care. And if youdon’t care about your proposal, why should anyone else?”

The top tips for presenting a perfect UX proposal are:

  1. Speak to a writing consultant.ย Before getting started it is a great idea to get a writing consulting session underway. If you were undertaking any other task you would talk to the experts, wouldn’t you? Same applies to writing: talk to a pro so you know where to start. UX designers can also read professional writing guides, like this one, for the same sort of result.
  2. Plan, plan, plan.ย If there is a limited number of words and points to make, it is best to lay out the bullet points and then expand on them later. This way the designer knows they are covering everything they need to.
  3. Make sure that it is error-free.ย  Just like the glitchy interface and awkward layout nobody wants in their User Experience, the designer needs to avoid spelling mistakes and awkward grammar in their UX proposal. These could distract the reader and make it look like the designer doesn’t care about their work.
  4. Polish the proposal.ย Error-free obviously is great, but don’t just rely on a grammar checker and a proofreader! Once the proposal is scanned, make sure to actually read it. This way the designer will get a proper feel for how the audience will receive it. Take this time to edit anything awkward or unclear.
  5. Get a second pair of eyes on it.ย Although one reader experience may indicate that it’s a masterpiece, make sure to ask for a second opinion. A writing consultant should be able to detect flaws or inconsistencies that the first reader missed. Keep an open mind and make any edits they recommend.
  6. Keep it brief.ย The more the proposal rambles on and on about this detail or that detail, the less of the audience’s attention it will have. Try and make sure that every point is descriptive, of course, but do not go beyond the essential.
  7. Make sure to reference.ย Claiming that one in ten users has had issues with a certain button location or loading speed time? That needs a reference. Make sure that every point that is central to the argument is properly referenced, with an actual academic study or company report. And make sure that the referencing style is consistent, so that the reader can actually look up the references for confirmation.
  8. Check it for plagiarism.ย After all this effort to create your UX proposal, it would be really frustrating to find out that part of it, or even most of it, is too similar to an article on another website somewhere. There are only so many sentences in the English language, but a minimum amount of originality is needed. What is more, if the proposed solution already exists, why should a company spend all their time and energy developing a new one? So make sure to check the proposal and guarantee that it is completely original.

Naturally, it can be difficult for one person to keep on top of all this. Fortunately, there are some great tools and resources to help you with these pursuits.

#1 Grammar and spelling.

If you need help making sure your grammar is absolutely perfect, consider tools such as Grammar Checkers.

#2 Writing consulting.

To ensure your work is absolutely perfect check writing guides online.

#3 Proofreading and polishing.

Between these services your own writing skills will be massively boosted. And for anything you miss?

#4 Making it readable.

Staying within word count is essential, as is making sure your work is properly referenced and plagiarism-free. The best tools for the job here are word counters and citation generators for consistent references.

If you make the most of these resources and follow the above steps, you should be able to ensure that your UX proposal is perfect. Now your proposed solution can shine all on its own!

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Grace Carter is a business coach and online editor. She helps with business presentations and brand building.

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