Speaking about the NFL and Facebook’s latest programming partnership deal, Dror Ginzberg, Co-Founder & CEO of Wochit said:
“This groundbreaking deal comes at a worrying time for the NFL, as all the major American TV networks are reporting sustained audience declines for live viewing over the past year.”
[easy-tweet tweet=”Increasingly, people are looking for ‘near live’ game highlights online” hashtags=”Online, IT”]
“Increasingly, people are looking for ‘near live’ game highlights online, as opposed to watching full games, especially as American Football games are quite lengthy, compared to other sports. From Wochit’s own research, video content ranging from roughly 60 to 90 seconds get both the most views and shares on Facebook, meaning this new deal puts them in a prime position to capitalise on shifting consumer habits.”
“Now, Facebook has an undeniable edge with high quality, premium content that other online competitors won’t have access to, while also having access to NFL Films’ content to distribute on its fledgeling broadcast service Facebook Watch.”
“Undoubtedly the decision-makers from the Premier League will be analysing this deal closely. Similarly to the NFL, the Premier League’s TV rights once seemed the most bankable TV content until last year when ratings fell dramatically. The next broadcasting deal for the league will likely be historic as digital-only players finally take on Sky and BT.”
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